I have considered it so my answer is a strong… maybe? 
I have a couple of hesitations. The first is that I’ve open sourced some stuff in the past and when things get popular it can become a real pain to manage the OSS part of it. The other is that while I have no intention of commercializing GameScape - I am working on another project (totally unrelated to gaming and rpgs) that I might use the core engine of GameScape as part of - and that would be a commercial project. The third hesitation is that GameScape was built partially as an exercise to explore some different tech (functional javascript, eventually consistent log-based storage, serverless, etc…) so it would probably require some explanation on how it works. some other people who’ve asked about open sourcing have said don’t bother with explaining it – however my OCD wouldn’t allow me to open source it without some kind of docs on why it’s put together the way it is. 
Now I still might open source it since the way I would use it in the other project isn’t the core of that project but it still makes things a little murky. So again, maybe?