Still development?

I would like to know if there is further development. I’d like to build some adventures here, but want to be sure it continues to exist. I love this very good and simple tool! Thank you for that. Unfortunately, the discord channel no longer exists either.

Greetings from Germany!


Hi lubben.jan,

I wouldn’t worry about GameScape going away, it will continue to exist for a long time, and continue to be free. The way it’s built it has very little overhead - and I use it every week personally. :slight_smile:

However, feature development has been frozen on Gamescape for the immediate future. I don’t have the bandwidth to work on building new features. I’ve explored open sourcing it and seeing if someone wants to take over extending / expanding it but I haven’t gotten any takers yet. I may occasionally add new features if I have time but probably not for at least six months.


Thank you very much for yourbwork!

Still in the same boat now in 2025? This project is amazing, I’ve been using it for my D&D campaign, seeing this tool expanded would be a great help. Hopeful someone or something will happen lol